CampusBourses is a scholarship finder program provided in French and English. which can be accessed through the website

Campus Bourses (Campus Scholarships) provides information on the scholarships offered to foreign students. The tool lists all of the assistance provided by the States (French and foreign), regional authorities, companies, foundations and institutes of higher education. Filter your search by nationality, field and level of studies to find the assistance that corresponds to your profile.
Interested parties can search for information through the program by entering keywords or search terms (nationality, education level field of interest or type of capital) in order to get complete details about that scholarship and the link to the website of the fundraising agency. There are many scholarship programs for Thai students who wish to study or do research in France.
Find scholarships especially for Thai students and researchers

There are funding from government agencies, various cooperation projects, private agencies including educational institutions themselves. Do not miss the opportunity! Consult the database CampusBourses - v1.3.4 ( to search on your own.
Scholarships and Grants by French Embassy and French Government
The French Government and the French Embassy in Thailand provide major scholarship programs for Thai candidates* of different levels:
Franco-Thai Scholarship for Master, Ph.D.
The Franco–Thai Scholarship Program aims to support Thai students under the age of 35 who intend to study in French universities or Higher Education Institutions, at Master's degree or PhD level.
More information:
Eiffel Scholarship for Master, Ph.D.
Developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program provides annual training for future foreign decision-makers in the public and private sectors in degree programs at the Master's and Doctoral levels. Applications are submitted exclusively by French higher education institutions.
More information: Le programme des bourses Eiffel | Campus France
Franco-Thai Junior Research Fellowship (post-doc)
The Junior Research Fellowship Program supports Thai post doctorates who intend to spend 2 to 6 months scientific stay in a laboratory in France.
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Franco-Thai Mobility Program (PHC) for research projects
The Franco-Thai Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research provides the mobility grant for 2-year research projects.
More information: or
MOPGA scholarships and grants by French Government
The new programs with the label "Make Our Planet Great Again" launched in March 2018 are supervised by Campus France and financed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).
MOPGA Scholarship: MOPGA Scholarship Programme: the fourth call for applications is now open | Campus France
Funds from other agencies
Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Programme: Scholarships for ASEAN students (RGJ –ASEAN)
The Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Programme is a prestigious scholarship scheme funded by the Thailand Research Fund under the Royal Thai government. The RGJ was initiated in 1996 to commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of His Majesty the King’s accession to the throne. The goal of the RGJ is to increase the number of Ph.D. holders and to enhance the strengthen of academic research work for the sustainable development of the nation. The RGJ provides students with full scholarship to pursue Ph.D. study in Thailand with short term research abroad.
More information :
Erasmus + is a European Union programme that supports education, training, youth and sport. Through it, over two million students can benefit from a mobility bursary in Europe: it covers the 2014-2020 period, with a budget of 14.7 billion Euros.
The Erasmus Mundus joint Master's offer is a study programme that awards scholarships to the world's best students for one or two years, regardless of their field of studies. To receive one, these students must take their master's programme in at least two countries participating in the programme. Several French institutes of higher education offer joint Master's programmes.
In the framework of bilateral agreements between institutes of higher education, Erasmus+ also offers mobility scholarships from and to France. They cover removal and accommodation costs. Find out more from the institute you are enrolled in.
More information : Home | Erasmus+ (
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° PCOFUND-GA-2013-609102
Coordinated by Campus France, the PRESTIGE programme supports the international mobility of researchers to and from France. It is co-financed to the amount of 6 million euros by European Union via the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. Launched in 2014, as of July 2018, almost 280 researchers were awarded a PRESTIGE co-financing grant. (Catch up with the new calls on its website)
More information: The PRESTIGE programme | Campus France
On their Internet sites, doctoral schools, laboratories and research institutes regularly publish proposals for financed thesis subjects. This doctoral funding constitutes the first way for you to find funding for your Doctorate. There are three types:
- Funding from a doctoral fellowship: your doctoral school provides you with 1,400 euros net funding for your Doctorate per month for three years. This is done either through its research budget or as a complement to your own funding. The doctoral fellowship is a work contract specifically for doctoral students, with no age or nationality conditions. It can be renewed twice for one year each time, for a total of 5 years.
- Funding from a contract with a research institute: your research institute (CNES, CNRS, CEA, etc.) provides you with 1,500 euros net funding for your Doctorate per month.
- Funding from a contract connected to a project financed by the Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR National Research Agency), at 1400-1500 euros net per month.
More information: Financing a Doctorate | Campus France
CIFRE (Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche - Industrial Agreements for Training through Research) enables young researchers to be hired by a company or public authority to conduct their research, in conjunction with a university team.
The company or authority then finances your Doctorate via a work contract under private sector law. It provides you with a minimum salary of approximately 1,800 euros net per month for three years. It is a good opportunity to acquire experience in research in a company.
ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม: Le dispositif Cifre | Association Nationale Recherche Technologie (
Scholarships from Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
They provide scholarships for those interested in studying at 800 institutions of higher education in more than 106 member countries of the French-speaking community. More information :
DUO-Thailand Fellowship Programme aims to enhance a balanced mobility of students between Thailand and 30 ASEM member states in Europe by supporting paired-based and two-way exchanges. In this respect, the programme requires that a PAIR of students (one from Thai university and another from European University) be exchanged in the framework of cooperative project/cooperation between higher education institutions in Thailand and in 30 ASEM member states in Europe.
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Scholarships by institutions
Some educational institutions or research centers offer specific scholarships for students with academic excellence. This may be in the form of a 30-100% tuition discount or an annual or monthly grant. Be sure to ask the institution each time you apply.
Scholarship database by Campus France
You can find additional scholarships that promote study or research opportunities in France.
Scholarships for French Nationals/Students from French High School
Campus France manages 4 scholarship programs for French students and students residing in France.
More details: Les bourses pour les étudiants français ou résidant en France | Campus France
Excellence-Major for students from French high schools abroad
Created in 1992, the Excellence-Major scholarship program, established jointly by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE),is part of the policy to promote French higher education. It allows the best foreign students of French educational institutions abroad (list set by decree of 4 June 2010) to follow a high-level higher education for five years in France. Each year, up to 200 new fellows selected on the criteria of excellence join this prestigious program.
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